NE Region ACNA: Mt. Tremblant, End of September

Brett Dikeman brett at
Wed Sep 8 22:11:53 EDT 2004

Just a heads up that the NEQ's Mt. Tremblant event has a fair amount 
of space left and it's not too late to register!  Everyone I talk to 
puts this as their favorite track among those that the NEQ travels 
to; yes, it's even better than the Glen.  The US dollar is strong and 
lots of other stuff to do in the area for family members/SO's/etc. 
The club doesn't always get dates, so it's something of a special 

I wanted to make it to one event this year- and I was planning for it 
to be Mt. Tremblant.  Everyone says it's that good.  Extra bonus- it 
is usually cool weather this late in the year, and that means great 
turbo weather, you're actually comfortable in the long sleeves+long 
pants, etc :-)

Registration can be done via the website-, and the 
club offers paypal payment now.  More info there as well, of course.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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