tech session report (long)

bob.rossato at bob.rossato at
Thu Sep 9 18:51:37 EDT 2004

Okay, what's with the 20x size micrometer on the bench behind the V8?  Is that so you can measure tire diameters down to .0001" ;-)

-------------- Original message from Brett Dikeman : -------------- 

> At 1:43 AM -0400 9/9/04, Brett Dikeman wrote: 
> >Just got back from the tech session and there was plenty of fun to be had. 
> Photos from the event (nothing earth shattering, sorry): 
> The picture of the back of the V8 is kinda cool. I made it double 
> the usual size, 1800x1200, to show off the detail...half a MB though. 
> Brett 

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