cv boot again
Bhatti, Mohammed
Mohammed.Bhatti at
Fri Sep 10 08:52:23 EDT 2004
Hi Frank,
I don't think their is a need to remove the axle off of the car, at least not on the 80q. The steps below describe how I did it on my 80q. Again, my 97 A4q looks like a similar setup:
Required Tools and Misc.
Lots of paper towels/shop rags/rags
Plenty of carb cleaner 3-4 cans - use about 1-2
Degreaser 3-4 cans use about 1-2
19 mm wrench
Socket set 22-24 mm for the axle bolt and/or 10mm/14mm hex head wrench depending on what kind of new bolt is in the boot replacement kit
Deep socket set as above is also useful
1/2" socket wrench
6" and 9" drive
Rubber hammer
Circlip tightening tool for CV joints (~$19)
Not Necessary But Nice to Have Just In Case
Extra inner and outer (small and large) circlip if you can get a hold of them
Removal of CV Joint from Axle Shaft
Loosen wheel bolts (17mm)
Loosen axle nut (20-24mm)
Jack up car
Remove wheel
Remove axle nut
Turn steering wheel lock to lock a few times so that the caliper and brake housing can be removed exposing the CV joint
/* This helps somehow. I can't remember why I did this though, but it made it easier to get to the CV boot and joint */
CV boot and joint is exposed
Make sure that the brake line is not under tension. Either put some support under the rotor/brake caliper or lower the jack to lower the car so that the rotor/brake caliper are not under tension (or tie the caliper to the axle/strut)
To remove the CV joint, use the axle bolt and screw it back in to the axle shaft. As you turn the bolt, make sure that the CV joint and axle shaft are straight.
Have bucket close by and plenty of rags as well.
Keep turning and the joint will pop off. Will be some/lot of grease depending on whether boot is torn or not.
Remove bolt.
Next, remove the clips that hold the boot to the axle shaft
CV joint should be free from axle shaft
Thoughrly clean end of shaft, degrease joint and inspect ball bearings and ball bearing housing
Remove locking ring from end of axle shaft. This can be done by using a small flat head screwdriver and levering out the locking ring
The cupped and dished washers can be removed
Installing CV Boot and Joint
Next, with the circlip on the boot, place the boot on the axle shaft. To get the boot over the small lip, use needle nose pliers to pull the boot over the lip. Careful so that the boot does not rip.
Put on the cupped washer and then the dished washer (I think, but Bentley has a good picture of this) back on to the axle shaft.
Next, put on the locking ring in the groove at the end of the axle shaft. Can be done by pushing real hard with both thumbs. Might need a few tries to get it in.
At this point, if you feel comfortable, the inner circlip can be tightened using the CV/circlip locking tool
Next, making sure that everything is clean - axle shaft, inside of boot, joint, clean paper towels/rags on the floor, grease the CV joint with the grease provided
Line up the CV joint with the end of the shaft and put the joint on
Using the rubber mallet, bang on the end of the CV joint until the joint is securely on. This happens when the joint slips over the locking ring. Might need to do this a few times i.e. line up, hammer etc
Now the big end of the boot should easily slip over the joint. The circlip should already be on this end.
If everything looks satisfactory, tighten the circlip with the CV/circlip locking tool
97 A4 18tqa
-----Original Message-----
From: walian at [mailto:walian at]
Sent: Thu 9/9/2004 3:36 PM
To: Bhatti, Mohammed
Cc: quattro at
Subject: RE: cv boot again
I was going to replace the entire axel because I could have gotten one cheap, however there don't seem to be any that are already remanufactured therefore none available. So I am just going to put the boot on the cv axel. I assume that I have to remove the inner axel from the trans and then loosen the big nut on the axel. Is that the way you did it? Therefore you dont have to realign the steering. Thats what I am thinking.
-------------- Original message from "Bhatti, Mohammed" : --------------
It looks as though there are no reman cv axels to be had for my 97a6q. I have ordered the boot and decided to do the job myself. Unfortuatly I cant find my bently cd. Does anybody have any pointers on removing the axel and if I need any special tools? Are the bolts std allens?
Are you just replacing the CV boot or the entire axle? If it's just the outer boot and you don't need a new axle, I believe you don't need to take the axle off to replace the CV boot. This was the case on my previous 88 80q. Also, on my current 97 A4q, the setup seems similar. The joint is attached to the end of the axle with a large hex bolt. I think it is about 16-18 mm IRC.
Anyway, the technique on the 88 80q was to turn the hex bolt until the joint "pops" off. Might be the same for the 97 A6/A4qs'.
Any other listers care to clarify?
97 A4tqa
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