87 4K csq

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Fri Sep 10 19:42:21 EDT 2004

> a few months ago, i started to notice an oscillating noise coming from 
> the interior of the car at the  parking brake lever.    the sound would 
> come and go, however, as of 3 days ago, i've notice the d.s. rear wheel 
> has heated up tremendously even on short road trips to the point of 
> smelling burnt metal.  today i noticed a high-pitch noise coming from 
> that area of the car on the outside.  the confusing part is that the 
> symptoms/problem is coming from only the driver's side.
> is this a bad rotor or caliper?  an issue with the parking brake and the 
> parking brake line?

Well, the caliper in question is not releasing, so you're dragging the 
brake pads and cooking them and the rotor.

It could be a bad cable/sheath seizing, or the caliper's parking brake 
arm thing binding.

Time to crawl under there and figure out which...

Huw Powell



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