Pinging mid-boost...Why?

Adam A. Luy Adam at
Wed Sep 15 13:20:29 EDT 2004

So I replaced my WOT switch with a brand new unit, and my fuel pump relay. I get .1 bar more boost now (upto 1.8 absolute), but with my foot on the floor I know get pinging and stutter at 1.3 bar to 1.4 bar and then it goes away.

Ummm....I don't get it, why would it ping only at that range and be fine up top at 1.8?

Any help is appreciated!

This is on my '87 CSTQ Avant, 1.8 spring and QLCC.


Adam A. Luy – President
Routers, Inc.
6730 E. McDowell Rd.
Suite # 133
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
V – 480.941.0472
F – 480.941.0478

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