Cannonball Europe

Jim Haseltine jim_haseltine at
Wed Sep 15 16:56:06 EDT 2004

The Cannonbal Run Europe isn't a race, it's a rally rather like a
reliability run. Each stage has a standard time which should be matched. All
standard times are achievable without breaking any speed limits. Odos are
checked at the end of each stage and time penalties dished out to anybody
who has found a short cut.

Route starts in London, heads into France and from there in Spain.

Seems that yesterday two or three cars were driven in such a way that a
Spanish motorist took exception to their driving and informed the police
that a shed load of powerful race cars were speeding along the motorway.
Police then impounded most of the cars for some hours and applied some
rather heavy fines.

A lot of rubbish in the media but it now appears that the fines may actually
be refunded.
More info :


Jim Haseltine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Kellock" <ekellock at>
To: "Quattro list" <quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 4:12 AM
Subject: Cannonball Europe

> Just saw a clip on the evening news about a Cannonball Race across
> Europe.  I guess some cars were impounded in Spain.  Saw a couple of
> Audi Avants, some Porsches, and a Renault Alpine.  Haven't seen one of
> those in a while.
> Would like to learn more...
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