type 44 questions

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Mon Sep 20 08:29:45 EDT 2004

Just to update people.. I'm fairly positive I have nailed the problem down
and just have to fix it.  Deceleration valve (in the wheel well i think?),
Dad said its the 1" hose coming out of the bottom rear part of the boot at
the apex of the bend.  Its known to stick and cause similar symptoms.  I bet
if I had looked in the manual, it would probably say that also.

On another note, I just got back from vaca and some &$#%#@# decided to shoot
my wifes hyundai and my new to me type 44 with a bb gun.  Front windshield
needs to be replaced, drivers side rear door chrome trim was hit and the
rear quarter window on that side was hit as well.  Is the quarter window a
do-it-yourself type of replacement or is is similar to the windshield
needing to be glued in?



On Sep 8, 2004, at 8:36 AM, Beatty, Robert wrote:

> Just bought another type 44 (89 tq) and working on resolving a few 
> minor
> issues.
> Car runs great but intermittantly stalls out when stopping.  This is 
> while actually stopping and creating g-force.  So I am thinking either
> something with the fuel pump, or possible something up at the 
> sensorplate?
> Ideas, thoughts, suggestions?
> Whats the best thing to do for the headliner when it starts sagging?  
> I have
> a wagon that I need to do the headliner, but that car is easy you just 
> pop
> the rear hatch and take out the headliner that way.  With the sedan I 
> will
> have to have the rear window removed to pull it out.  Is there any 
> other
> reliable and long lasting solution?
> Thanks for any ideas,
> Rob
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