Honda @ 205mph Was Re: Subject: President Bush has got to level with us

Bhatti, Mohammed Mohammed.Bhatti at
Thu Sep 23 11:43:06 EDT 2004

Ok, since we're OT here, heard an interesting story on NPR radio while driving home from work last night in my A4 1.8tqa w/recent new Mann oil filter and 5w-30 Mobil 1 Synthetic from WalMart at $20 for 5qt.  Their, it's now got Audi content.
Anyway, on NPR last night they had a Minnesota state trooper on the show who was talking about how they caught a guy doing 205 mph on a Honda 1000 motorbike.  They actually clocked him from the air 'cause the state trooper is also a pilot and they regularly take to the air to catch speeders.  Turns out that the bike was heavily moded.  Rider is apparently looking at jail time and a hefty fine.  
Interviewer asked if the rider was wearing a helmet to which the ofiicer replied in the affirmitive.  Like that would have made any difference if he took a spill.  Anyone have more details on this story?
Also mentioned that he clocked one guy doing 160 mph on another bike but he got away.  That was a different incident though.
Wonder if we'll be seeing any of the above on the silly police chase videos on TV?
97 A4 1.8tqa

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