Civic rearended my 5k: Civic lost
Drew Boyd
qu4ttro at
Thu Sep 23 12:46:57 EDT 2004
haha you need one of those little car "kill" silouettes of a honda now
On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:08:38 -0400 (EDT), Kurt Deschler
<desch at> wrote:
> I had a nice little Honda Civic rear end my 5k last night. The front end
> of the civic was crumpled while my 5k recieved a small paint mark on the
> plastic bumper. My bumper mounts weren't event bent! The kid wanted to
> know how much money I wanted but I told him to keep his money to fix his
> car and leave before I changed my mind. There was a very long skid before
> he hit me, but I don't think he was moving that fast. Maybe these ricers
> should consider upgrading their tires and brakes instead of lowereing
> their cars so they fit under mine and making their mufflers so loud that
> they can't pay attention to the road.
> Kurt
> 87 5kcstq
> 89 200tq
> 00 s4
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