Throwout bearing?

cobram at cobram at
Fri Sep 24 00:45:25 EDT 2004

Patient is the veteran of the fleet, the 1984 5KS.  All of sudden, no
preliminaries, started to get a squeal, like a loose belt or a seized
accessory.  Thought to myself....the hydraulic pump is finally going
(it's original, with a half dozen or so rebuild kits over the years),
then I notice it only happens when the clutch is depressed, with clutch
pressed it gets louder as I accelerate.  Take foot off clutch and all is
quiet (well, as quiet as a 20 year old Audi gets.)  I've heard a few bad
clutch bearings in my time, but this thing sounds exactly like a
bad/seizing pump or slipping fan belt.  Could it be anything but the
throwout bearing?  Hoping against odds it's something else, this may be
the last hurrah for the old girl, I'm really not up to pulling the


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