Locks just broke (1978 5000CS Turbo Quattro)

Andrew Duane andrew at savaJe.com
Mon Sep 27 21:34:52 EDT 2004

Hairy green toads from Mars made E. Smith say:
> Darn! The locks finally went in my wonderful 1987 5000CS Turbo Quattro.
> Since I picked up this car about two months ago I've had trouble with
> the driver-side lock. No biggie--I got used to locking the car from
> the passenger side.
> I could still UNlock the car with the key from the driver side, I just
> had to lock it from the passenger side (with the key). No problem.
> Until a couple weeks ago, when the driver-side lock fully disengaged.
> The key now spins freely (about 180 degrees) and doesn't seem to catch
> on anything. I was willing to use the passenger-side door for locking
> AND unlocking. No problem.
> Until today when the passenger-side outside lock stopped locking the doors.
> It wouldn't be a problem except,  when I pushed down the lock on the
> driver-side door, it would just come back up. I CANNOT get the
> driver-side door to lock at all.

I'm not sure if this applies to the '87, but I think it did to
my '89 100Q. The driver's door cannot be locked from the inside
knob with the door open. This is a "safety" measure to help keep
you from locking your keys in your car.

Can you lock it with the door closed?


Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - ATG
SavaJe Technologies     andrew at savaje.com
100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386

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