Locks just broke (1978 5000CS Turbo Quattro)

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Sep 28 08:30:01 EDT 2004

"E. Smith" <eirens at gmail.com> writes:
> You saved the day! The driver-side door locks just fine when it is 
> closed!
> I can live with that for sure. Thank you very much.
> Anyone know how I can disable this irritating safety feature to 
> allow
> me to lock the driver-side door manually while it is open?

Yes, and no, save yourself a future major headache and don't do it. 
You're basically one brittle nylon/plastic piece away from having your
car not allow you entrance to it at all.  If you don't fix the broken
locks (it's a very easy repair), make sure your trunk lock is working,
and you have the trunk key.  When that final weakest link manifests
itself (usually at the worse possible time),  you can pop the locks open
from the trunk (check the archives) as long as you haven't disconnected
the vacuum actuators.  


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