My bud's had his ASQ for a week now . . .
Jay J. Hector
70243.3034 at
Wed Sep 29 01:04:18 EDT 2004
The shipper dropped it off last Monday and it was a
few days before he ran it around much. Of course he
left the lights on yesterday and had to call AAA to get
going. He really liked the zipper in the carpet under
the rear seat to get to the battery! No problems other
than that so far. He still really can't run it as he's in
the process of registering it and has no plates or
temp reg. He said no one even realizes it's something
special, although his wife did not like what he paid for
it and said he should have bought a new BMW or
something and he had to explain the depreciation
of something like that and the intrinsic value of
the ASQ. She didn't buy it.
He's curious if all the ASQs have gusseting inside,
and he says there's extra reinforcement in the trunk.
He said he didn't notice that on other ASQs in pics.
Any ideas about various levels of factory mods in
ASQs? He thinks he's missing the toolkit too. What
tools should the ASQ come with?
My friend also says thanks for all the prior comments.
Jay J. Hector
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