Differences between 2WD and Quattro (T-89)

fdekat fdekat at sentex.net
Thu Sep 30 14:31:42 EDT 2004

>> However, there IS  Martin Pajak, who turned a Coupe GT into a Quattro.  He
>> used to have a website detailing the project, which basically amounted to
>> transferring the coupe body to the quattro chassis, if I remember
>> correctly.  My link to the site goes nowhere now.  Maybe he has it
>> somewhere else.


>and he probably thought it *was* "easy."

I've seen that project a few months ago...  It has progressed is that the
floor is welded in, and some suspension is loosely connected. Basically, jsut
an empty bodyshell.

Even Martin conceded that it was easier to but a 'real' urq, then mess around
with swapping floorpans!

No matter how you look at it, it's a LOT of work...

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