Repair question

Tony Ferrante ajf117 at
Mon Apr 4 08:33:58 EDT 2005

I became intimately familiar with these handles on my 200tq ;)

The family album was very helpful (I emailed a screen shot of the 
page). The important piece is #21 - the 'big dipper' looking thing. If 
you pull downward on the 'handle' portion of the dipper, it will unlock 
the handle and the trim piece should pop out freely.


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2005 09:15:10 +0100
From: "Alan Pritchard" <alan.pritchard at>
Subject: RE: Repair question
To: "Paul Cole" <pcole at>, "Audi quattro list"
	<quattro at>
	<89382C3250656449AD82DFB4AA47F3EC266C00 at>
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Dam, was going to ask the same question, I started to change my door
lock last night, took the torx screw out and cant work out how to remove
the rest of the handle/lock, typ 89......

Best Regards
Alan Pritchard
Network Administrator
R&M Electrical Group Limited

-----Original Message-----
From: at
[ at]
On Behalf Of Paul Cole
Sent: 04 April 2005 00:34
To: Audi quattro list
Subject: Repair question

Car- 1991 Coupe Quattro.

Anyone have tip/trick on removing the "locking pin" from
the drivers door outer handle trim piece ?
As per Bently it says must be removed to allow handle trim piece
to be removed.

Need to remove the door mechanism to replace the broken
lock actuator arm on the passengers door.

Team door handle- V2.0 :-)

Anyone have a write-up on this procedure- the Bently is the usual
little or no help.

Paul R. Cole:
'83 Urq Helios Blue ( SAR)		
'91 200 TQ 20v- Daily driver @303+k!!!.
'91 Quattro Coupe - Still going @ 286k mi.- 4 older CGT's/200 TQ
Bloomington,MN pcole at #  Powered by OS/2 Warp 4

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