Type 44 (200QA) radio install notes

Michael, Dave Dave_Michael at maxtor.com
Mon Apr 4 11:12:46 EDT 2005


After long suffering with a Delta radio that had an inoperable search
function and only the right channel, I installed a new radio in our 1990
200QA. I bought an Alpine from Crutchfield, along with the wiring
harness adapter (free with the radio). The only confusing part was how
to wire the rear amp/speakers: 

The rear amp is driven by 2 +speaker wires with only 1 common -speaker
wire. At 1st, I tried driving this with the 2 rear  Alpine RCA preamp
outs with the shield (-) from both twisted together and plugged into the
harness. This did not work well, as the output from the rear speakers
was very week. So next I tried using the speaker level output from the
alpine through a line-output-converter that has adjustable gain. Again,
I wired the RCA output from the LOC with the shields tied together.

That proved to work quite well. We now have 4 channels, plus a CD player
instead of a tape.


90 200A
98 m3/4
02 mcs

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