engine stand

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Tue Apr 5 14:08:39 EDT 2005

Da#^!  I am coming down one week to late - would have been there this
weekend had I been finished with the UrQ.  Always seem to miss these

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Cody Forbes" <cody at 500tq.com>
To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>; <jfarrugi at umich.edu>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: engine stand

> > Now that's a novel idea!  Not everyone has a spare trans, but I do have
> > least one.
> >
> and
> >
> > what i did for inline vw 4's was to take apart a trans.   bolt the
> > "bell housing" to the "engine stand" then bolt the engine to that.  i
> > did that primarily to be able to hook up a starter and crank used
> > to check for oil pressure.  really you could just get a piece of 1/4
> > and a section of pipe to make a custom adapter that bolts to the trans
> > piece and slips in to the porsche stand, or a universal stand for that
> > matter.  please post a pic of whatever you end up with :).
> >
> > jonathan]
> >
> >
> >
> Yeah actually I cut part of the bell housing off a scrap 901 transmission
> bolt to engines in the stand with the starter, didn't even think of making
> stand out of one. Not a bad idea at all, though I did already have a game
> plan goin on making one just out of some steel rod stock. Seems making one
> is my only choice I guess. I can't get started until Thursday, I'm swamped
> this week until then. Just this past weekend I took out the race car I
> been building on it maiden voyage and had a few issues come up the need to
> be fixed before going to Sebring this comming weekend.
> -Cody Forbes
> http://www.5000tq.com
> '86 5ktq
> '86 5ktq
> '86 5k-t-q
> '87 5ktq - Fast.

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