Meow? (NAC but VAG diagnostics)

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Thu Apr 7 06:56:22 EDT 2005

Brett Dikeman wrote:
> tihol tiholov wrote:
>> Just wonder what other people's experiences with a  plugging cat were.

> They overheat when mixture isn't correct, and the ECU is telling you 
> everything is running too lean.

If it is running lean, pull the injectors and see if one isn't
spraying.  Search the archives for "fuel injector testing".  Or
try the Knowledgebase:

As for the cat, if the car were running *rich*, it might cause
the cat to become clogged.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
'56 Austin-Healey 100 BN2, for sale

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