Meow? (NAC but VAG diagnostics)

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Thu Apr 7 15:21:04 EDT 2005

tihol tiholov wrote:
>>If it is running lean, pull the injectors and see if one isn't spraying.  ...
> I ran a VAG-COM injector test and all were green, literally.   

If it's getting gas and air (which is rarely intermittent),
the only thing left is spark.  I'd look into ignition bits.
The obvious ones are plugs and wires (replace them if in
doubt, as they are fairly cheap), and someone mentioned
the ignition power stage output (N122).

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
'56 Austin-Healey 100 BN2, for sale

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