strange noise while accelerating

Shawn Manny shawn.manny at
Fri Apr 8 12:26:29 EDT 2005

hrm....check for vaccum leaks, exhaust leaks, wheel bearings and maybe
drive shaft bushings. Thats my guesses.

On Apr 8, 2005 11:12 AM, Matt Bliefernich <bliefernich at> wrote:
> I recently purchased an '86 4kcsq from a guy who took pretty good care of
> it.  I drove it home from Ohio to Minnesota and durig the drive noticed a
> high pitched grinding sound or it could almost be a hissing?  I have not had
> a lot of experience working on my own cars but am slowly learning.  The
> noise is there all the time but gets more audible when above 2k rpm.  It is
> hard to pinpoint where it is coming from ecause it is not real loud and when
> I open the window to hear it better the wind noise drowns it out.  Does not
> make it while idling or when the clutch is depressed or taken out of gear.
> My only thoughts are that I am hearing the lifters which click quietly when
> idling and sound different when accelerating?  Is this possible?  Anybody
> have any ideas?  Any help or thoughts are appreciated.
> Matt Bliefernich
> 4kcsq
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