Longer Lug Bolts

Aaron Jongbloedt jungle at hickorytech.net
Fri Apr 8 17:36:06 EDT 2005

Dan Cordon wrote:

> For some aftermarket wheels I would like to get some longer wheel 
> bolts (the stock ones only get in a few turns). My current ones are 
> ~27mm.
> Here's what I found so far:
> ESC Tuning has several sizes for ~$3 each.
> H&R lists them, but not any prices
> Several sets of 20 lugs are on Ebay for ~$35, but are only ~30mm long
> Any other ideas where I can find some that are in the 35mm range? Is 
> $3 each about right?
Potterman's...aka www.parts4vws.com  they are cheaper than ECS and have 
most any length you need.

Aaron J. Jongbloedt
Sabis Educational Systems Network Administrator
    work email: ajongbloedt at sabis.net
personal email: jungle at hickorytech.net
      work url: http://www.ism-sabis.net
      work url: http://www.sabis.net
  personal url: http://blacksunshine.freeservers.com
 car stuff url: http://testsvr.sabis.com
 msn messenger: jungle001 at hotmail.com
It is better to wear out than it is to rust out.

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