Type 85 q questions

John Larson j.d.larson at verizon.net
Wed Apr 13 12:25:49 EDT 2005

Ryan asked:  "What kind of oil/trans grease do you guys run in your
transaxle, as
well as the rear differential? Also is there a good source of the
mineral hydraulic oil for the power steering, besides the local audi

GL4 ONLY in the trans, GL5 ONLY in the rear differential.  No mixes, no
substitutes, no additives.  GL5 is NOT an "upgraded" designation, it is a
differentiating designation.  IOW, it's not "better" than GL4, it's a
different product.  The mineral oil is available in Audi specialty shops,
and through mail order sources.  If your car uses it, it'll be the regular
variety, not the synthetic.  Cheaper.  Earlier T85s used ATF.  HTH, John

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