20V, oil in spark plug tubes

Haskins Mitchell S TSgt 437 APS/TRP MITCHELL.HASKINS at charleston.af.mil
Thu Apr 14 07:16:24 EDT 2005

If the car was 'professionally' stored for a period longer than one
year, one of the preparations they do is putting oil in the spark-plug
tubes.  It's supposed to be removed when the car removed from storage,
but, sometimes, they just don't do it.  If it was stored, you may also
want to check all of your radiator hoses, all of your fluids, and the
gas in the tank.  Sometimes the storage places don't put fuel stabilizer
in the tank.

I am still fooling around with the 90Q20V that followed me home. I went
change the spark plugs and found 3 of the tubes full of oil. So far, I
drive the car a mile, so I know little about it. I posted the problem to
a 20V 
forum and received an answer that a clogged "air filter" resulted in 
overpressure which caused the gasket to emit oil. I can't imagine an
"air filter" 
having that effect. does anyone have a guess at what may have been
meant? He may 
have meant the crankcase breather tube, I have already replaced that
with a 
metal tube.

Tom Faust

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