'88 10V rev limit?

Jim Green jim.green at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 16:00:35 EDT 2005

On 4/14/05, calvink at fastermac.net <calvink at fastermac.net> wrote:
> I was just wondering at what rpm the limiter is supposed to
> activate on my '88 80Q.  I hit 6600 on the tach a couple of
> times, expecting to feel the fuel cutout, but it didn't.  I
> wasn't brave enough to go any higher than that, as this car
> has ~200K on it, and I don't feel like doing a motor swap
> anytime soon.  Just curious, and having a slow day at work.

Usually the rev limit is right around there.  You could rev it past
7000 rpms and still be fine, I have the rev limiter set to 7200 on my
MC motor durring drag racing :)

Jim Green
'89 90tq
'89 80q

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