4kq update plus a shame on me.

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sun Apr 24 10:46:02 EDT 2005

Don't  some 4ks use ATF in the power steering system?  

At 10:32 AM 4/24/2005 -0400, Brendan Walsh wrote:
>So got the new q home, she's on the registry now for anyone who's
>interested. But i made a stupid mistake when i looked her over, and
>missed the fact that someone put atf in the power steering,shame on
>me. Anyway now i need to get it out asap, but i can't sem to find a
>drain on the rack, any pointers? or can i just disconnect the lines
>and get it out that way? there's no leaks yet but i'd like to avoid
>any possibility of further damage. Stop leak ok, or should i just
>replace the fluid with pentosin and hope for the best?
>"To err is human, to repent divine; to persist devilish." -Ben Franklin
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