S6 Avant in hiding?

John Cassidy jcassidy at diamondconstruction.com
Mon Apr 25 18:45:41 EDT 2005

Ok, now we all know how much everyone loves their urS6 Avants.  Don't be hogging those things your whole life now!  You remember your mother telling you to share your toys?  So what if that was in kindergarten...it still applies!

I'm looking for a well cared for car.  The perfect car would be a low mileage silver with black leather, and have Euros, Bilsteins, Eibachs, Porsche brakes, RS2 manifold, MAF and injectors, Forged BPV, and Samco hoses, and had only been driven to church on Sunday by a little old lady.  A 6 speed would be nice.  Since I probably couldn't afford that car if it did exist, I'm open to any other S6 Avant that hasn't been abused like a red headed step child.

I know at least one of you has one getting dusty in the corner of the garage that you have at least considered selling...please consider it a little harder?

Thanks, and I'm patiently awaiting your reply!

John Cassidy
jcassidy at diamondconstruction.com
Silver City Stone
2905 No. Montana Ave
Helena, MT  59601
406-443-7305  ex. 222
406-442-2450 fax
406-202-0643  cell

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