90 200tqa sold & I'm a little emotional!

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 1 18:14:29 EDT 2005


  I just closed the book on my 90 200tqa. Sold it to
fellow lister Mark Allen who will get years of
reliable service from her. Dropped it off at his house
in Maine just this past Sunday. I've been to his house
numerous times to work on his V8Q
 but I managed to get lost maybe the car was telling
me something! But I will be doing the maintenance on
her when needed. So I guess that's my visitation.
 I'm sorry to see her go but I have a virtual Audi
parking lot at my house. I owned the car for about 4
years & loved every minute I had with her. Even after
spending about $5 grand on her to get her running rite
I figure $ well spent my 2 daughters will agree as
 But not is all lost we replaced her with a 96 A6qa
that was gotten from Mr Semple. A sweet car. Defiantly
not as fast as the 200 but it is more refined than the
200 & more comfy.
 So that leaves 5 Audis in the "parking lot" I need to
get rid of one more & I'll use my 87 5ksq as a Ginny
pig for a 5 spd conversion for either of my V8Q's a 90
& a 93 respectfully.
 Well off to have a beer (Becks) & reflect on the good
87 5ksq many mods 
89 200tqa FS
90 200tqa many mods sold
90 V8Q Pearl 93k 02 OEM S4 17's, Urs4 sport seats,
Porsche "BigReds", sport grill, euro clear turn
93 V8Q 138k ATS type 10 17's
96 A6qa 166k

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