Stumble when cold

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at
Wed Aug 3 20:20:55 EDT 2005

Sounds like you are running lean when cold. That's what causes the backfiring. The warm-up regulator is the usual suspect, and anyone familliar with the CIS Audi's can run pressure checks to make sure that is the problem. 
Tony Hoffman

Stacy <qturbo at> wrote:
Hi all.

Lately I my 86 5kcsq has had a stumble when cold. It starts fine and idles
fine. But any application of power, and it will stumble for a few seconds
and then smooth out. This only happens when my engine is less the 75% warmed

Sometimes the stumble will be serious enough to cause a backfire. The
problem goes away once the engine is warmed up. Any suggestions would be
much appreciated, any extra information that would be helpful in diagnosing
this I would be more then happy to provide.

Thanks in advance!


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