top posting / reply quoting - attention gmail users (and others)

Adam A. Luy Adam at
Thu Aug 4 18:28:41 EDT 2005

I whole-heartedley agree with your statements...I think this greatly depends on how a person reads the posts. Personally, if I see an interesting subject, I'll go down the list messages to the first (oldest) post and read up from there. This ensures that I read all of everyone's responses, not just what individuals felt was convenient to quote in the reply. Being able to read one complete thought, and then read another complete thought and understand the two (without having someones rebuttals disbursed throughout) is my preferred method.

To each their own though, I don't think this requires ironclad yer gettin' kicked off da list kinda rules. I think we are all bright enough to figure out each others ways of communicating.

My $0.02,


Adam A. Luy - President
Routers, Inc.
6730 E. McDowell Rd.
Suite # 133
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
V - 480.941.0472
F - 480.941.0478
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of urq
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 12:28 PM
To: Quattro List
Subject: Re: top posting / reply quoting - attention gmail users (and others)

A large percentage of the contents of the archives are not useful anyway. 
In a perfect world, folks would distill the useful information created via the list and store it in a repository like the Audifans KB ... I know, it takes extra time, but it does provide a considerable benefit over simple archives.  Some poeple do provide a considerable service to the audifans community by doing this.

To my mind it makes very little sense to retain a narrative form in follow on postings ... this is not a forum, so most people should already have read the initial message to which the reply is made ... the only reason for including anything is to retain the context relative to the reply.  If someone wanted to see the thread they can get it from the archives.

While I deeply and truly appreciate everything Dan does to provide the hardware & facilities that house the list, seeing statements like "the resource that is provided to you at no cost" obliges me to reply.  I have no idea what the net expenses are for maintaining the list, but I do know that there are folks in the community who try to do their part by returning some payment to Dan for the service (e.g. Brandon Rogers on the T-shirt GP). 
Furthermore, there are folks who provide their time to maintain the list. 
My point is that the audifans is a community ... no doubt facilitated by the work Dan provides ... but it is much more than just that ...

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> I was polite, and provided justification to a REMINDER of rules, not a 
> rule change.  I've asked you to respect (follow) the rules here, not 
> personally agree with them.  I'm not going to debate the issue 
> further; if you respect the site and the resource that is provided to 
> you at no cost, you'll heed the request.

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