91 200 tqa

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Thu Aug 4 21:27:34 EDT 2005

Tom Donohue wrote:
> I'm somewhat bemused by my responses since listing my 91 tqa in 
> the Marketplace this past Monday.  The only emails I've had in 
> three days are from Africa etc. assuring me that they have clients 
> who have clients who have bank checks who desperately want my Avant.
> No one else has even asked a question!  Any other experiences?  

Well ...

Q. Does it have Euro headlights?

Seriously, some reasons for lack of interest would include:
a) it's overpriced, b) it's in poor condition, c) it's too old,
d) it's due for some expensive maintenance, e) it's the wrong

Maybe it is the time of year. People are on vacation; they
aren't thinking of the need for quattro in the summer; they
don't want to deal with getting to the Berkshires. Ask 100
people, they'll give you 100 different reasons.

I'd suggest keep advertising it at the current price for a
month, then start dropping the price until it sells.  But if
the wife wants it gone, take the loss and sell it cheap --
she'll be happier with it gone.

That's my 2 cents.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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