Sloppy posting

Jim Jordan capnkidd at
Fri Aug 5 10:45:24 EDT 2005


>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Jon Linkov [mailto:jon at] 
>  Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 7:26 PM
>  To: Audifans
>  Subject: RE: top posting / reply quoting - attention gmail 
>  users (and others)
>  I think a bigger issue, more important than top/bottom 
>  quotes, are those individuals who, 10+ years after the 
>  q-list was founded, STILL insist on including the ENTIRE 
>  DIGEST in their reply-all's to the list.
>  I'd prefer not to sort through two digests (the one I 
>  receive and the quoted one in one message) in one email.
>  But, hey, I'm wacky that way.
>  Jon 

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