A/C Compressor Recomendations for Coupe GT?
Jim Dupree
jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 8 04:26:14 EDT 2005
88 90q used a rotory compressor, not sure if it is a Sanyo or not and t is a
bit late to go dig out the compressor i have. The brackets and compressor
from a 2.3L engine should bolt up to your block but i don't know if it will
clear other accesories and i don't know if the belt will line up right. I
got the compressor and brackets with the intent to install them in my 1986
4kq but sold the car before I tried. AC lines will have to be fabricated.
Good Luck
----- Original Message -----
From: "David" <duandcc_forums at cox.net>
To: "John McMahon" <jfm at nts-online.net>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: Re: A/C Compressor Recomendations for Coupe GT?
> OK, so...what is the right Sanyo for an 87 Coupe GT? Anoyone know? Also, I
have no idea if I can can accomodate a rotary-type...that's why I was asking
about other types...I know the York is a piston type...very big...very
heavy...and not very efficient. So, is there a rotary-type that will bolt up
properly with no other mods? If not, what rotary-type should I ghet and is
there an adaptor kit made?
> Dave
> 1987 CGT 2.3
> >
> > From: "John McMahon" <jfm at nts-online.net>
> > Date: 2005/08/07 Sun PM 10:15:41 EDT
> > To: "David" <duandcc_forums at cox.net>
> > Subject: Re: A/C Compressor Recomendations for Coupe GT?
> >
> > Yes: dead! Your compressor shaft bearings likely froze. Look for a
> > or another made in Japan for VAG equivalent. If your particular
> > installation can accomodate a rotary-type vice a reciprocating-type
> > compressor, go for it.
> > John
> > John McMahon
> > Abilene, Texas
> > 1990 Coupe quattro 20V
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "David" <duandcc_forums at cox.net>
> > To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> > Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 8:23 PM
> > Subject: A/C Compressor Recomendations for Coupe GT?
> >
> >
> > > Took my 1987 Coupe GT 2.3 on a nice long trip this weekend. By mile
> > the compressor bearings were chirping and would screech like a banshee
> > whenever engine revs dropped to idle. She made it to the desitnation
> > providing vent temps of 38-40*F on a 85+*F day. Not bad. But on the
> > trip she started warming up. Vent temps slowly climbed to 50*F and I had
> > drop to 4th gear to keep the revs high enough to keep it cooling and the
> > compressor now sounded like a screaming banshee anytime the engine RPMs
> > dropped below 3,500. She was still cooling down to around 40* as long as
> > kept the engine RPMs up high when I arrived home. Parked her and decided
> > let her cool down a little then check the bolt to see if it might just
> > loose. Started her up a little later and the compressor is totally
> > Belt is of normal tightness but well worn at this point. Tried a little
> > dressing, still wont budge even with RPMs above 4,000. All it does is
> > the belt...so, to me tha
> > > t sound like a dead York type compressor? Anyone think otherwise?
> > >
> > > OK, I assume nobody is going to have an answer other than replace the
> > compressor. I've alway been of the mind that when replacing the
> > the receiver/dryer should be replaced too and the whole system flushed
> > all oil then totally redone. Agreed? And what about the compressor
> > Should I jsut get a reman or maybe even a new York? Or is there
> > better I should get? If so, do they sell adaptors so it will bolt up?
> > Special belts needed? Special hoses or hose adaptors? Where should I get
> > them? Anyone sell a complete kit? Oh, jsut as an FYI, she was converted
> > R134a a while back, but with this compressor changeover...she could be
> > converted to one of those R12 alternatives, if they work better than
> > Thoughts? Advice? Been there done that? How was it? Sorry for the
> > novel...hope to get lots of replies...
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Dave
> > > 1987 CGT 2.3
> > > SE VA
> > >
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> > > quattro mailing list
> > > quattro at audifans.com
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> >
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