C4 caliper bolt size

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Tue Aug 9 19:48:06 EDT 2005

I'll bet that if you use a solvent and clean the bolt head really well,
then blow with compressed air, the 8mm will fit.

At 07:07 PM 8/9/2005 -0400, Kent McLean wrote:
>I'm replacing the brake pads on my '94 100 CS Avant, and I need to
>know the size of the Allen-head bolt [1] that holds the caliper to
>the carrier. The bolts are accessed from the inner side of the
>caliper, in a hole covered by a rubber plug.
>I did a web search and found "Torx", but pressing a clean sheet
>of paper into the hole gave a greasy print that seemed to show a
>regular 6-point hex opening.  A clear digital picture seems to
>confirm it.  A 7mm Allen wrench fits loosely. An 8mm Allen wrench
>doesn't fit.
>I'm also thinking I'll need a hex-driver on a breaker bar, as the
>Allen wrenches look like they'll break before the bolt loosens.
>viel Dank,
>Kent McLean
>'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
>'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
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