VW van - EuroVan I think they are called . . .

Jim Jordan capnkidd at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 14 00:36:45 EDT 2005

Hi Fay,

There is a Eurovan advertised on CraigsList right now;

Maybe it isn't sold yet.


>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Cat ^. .^ ~ [mailto:iceisit at earthlink.net] 
>  Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2005 11:47 AM
>  To: quattro at audifans.com
>  Subject: VW van - EuroVan I think they are called . . .
>  I really need to get a van and get ride of that Chevy truck 
>  we have.   I think
>  I can get $3K if we are lucky . . .
>  I have seen a LOT of EuroVans on the web for about $2K.
>  I know there have been some posts about them, but would 
>  someone please refresh my memory as to the years to stay away from?
>  Also, what will I have to pay for one which is in DEPENDABLE shape?
>  . . . . I know, HOW HIGH IS UP !
>  Cheers,  Fay
>  I have money set aside for a car and am also looking at horses.
>  I hope I don't end up riding my horse to the real estate 
>  office,  LOL.

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