which one?

Jim Jordan capnkidd at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 19 13:08:09 EDT 2005

Hi Rory,

The 86 would be my pick hands down.  I think it's yours, too, from your


Jim Jordan 

>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Rory [mailto:armodis at speakeasy.net] 
>  Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 5:56 PM
>  To: quattro at audifans.com
>  Subject: which one?
>  I've found two potential 4k quattro's, and since you're the 
>  experts I figured I run this by y'all before I make my final 
>  decision...
>  How do these prices look?  Do these pretty much represent 
>  good stock 4ks with the typical minor problems?  Does 
>  anything jump out as a big NO?  Do the 85's have the correct 
>  wiring harness to plug in heated leather seats if the car 
>  didn't originally come with them?  Are the gages easy to find/fix?
>  Thanks again !
>  Rory
>  85 4kSQ $1500
>  approx 230k miles
>  Pro
>  belstein shocks with H&R springs
>  straight body
>  decent original paint (white)
>  no leaks that I can find
>  no starting problems
>  no smoke when starting (according to owner) timing belt in 
>  good condition (according to owner) owner recently changed 
>  the front diff/transmission oil, rear diff oil, coolant, 
>  engine oil and spark plugs power accessories work no exhaust 
>  leaks no noise from wheel barrings or motor the headliner 
>  doesn't sag diff lock switch works and diffs lock
>  Con
>  several owners (at least four)
>  engine ticks for a minute or so until warm (suggests 
>  manifold crack?) A/C compressor probably needs to be 
>  replaced odometer doesn't work emergency flasher, temp gage, 
>  and emergency brake dash lights all turn on when the voltage 
>  reaches 13 volts
>  86 4kCSQ $1450
>  approx 200k miles
>  Pro
>  one owner
>  always serviced by certified audi repair center by 
>  schedule/recommendation leather heated seats straight body 
>  decent original paint (charcoal) no starting problems no 
>  smoke when starting timing belt and water pump changed - 
>  follow schedule front diff/tranny oil, rear diff oil, 
>  coolant - follow recommendation no exhaust leaks no noise 
>  from wheel barrings or motor headliner doesn't sag
>  Con
>  broken door handle
>  one passenger window doesn't work
>  diff switch and temp gage don't work
>  shifting problem (my guess is linkage)
>  valve cover leak

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