Kent McLean kentmclean at
Sun Aug 21 21:50:36 EDT 2005

Allan Schneider wrote:
 > I have a 1999 A6 . The drain tray vents under the A/c cooler/air
 > handler clogged. The overflow went into the right front seat of
 > the car , seeped into the insulation and then into the computer
 > under the right front seat . The computer was "cooked" or shall
 > I say drowned.

I bought my '94 100 S Avant with a dead ECU due to clogged drains.
The ECU connector and the wires going into it were also corroded
beyond repair.  I got a used ECU and partial harness from
chris at, spliced the partial harness into the old
wiring loom, plugged it into the used ECU, and away I went.

If you are handy with soldering or can crimp butt joints (use a
good ratcheting crimper), it may be your cheapest route out of it.

I can't imagine the transmission would go bad due to water damage.
It lives where water can splash on it, and its internal fluid
doesn't leak out.  But you won't know until you can start the car.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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