B4 wheel offset

Helge Wunderlich audihelge at start.no
Sat Aug 27 13:21:04 EDT 2005

Thank you, Louis-Alain.

I forgot that the list directs replies to private email.


On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 18:37:11 -0400, Louis_Alain_Richard wrote:

Hi Helge,
Since I will not be at my office for the next 2 weeks, I redirected
your post to the main list to get answer sooner !
And I am sure a lot of people have answers to your concerns...
heading for the UrQuattro Preservation Group meeting in CT tomorrow,
yeah !

-----Helge Wunderlich <audihelge at start.no> wrote: -----

To: Louis_Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com
From: Helge Wunderlich <audihelge at start.no>
Date: 25/8/2005 15:30
Subject: Re: B4 wheel offset

On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 13:37:14 -0400,
Louis_Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com wrote:

>I see that your are in Norway...

That's correct. The car is, however, a German import if it matters.

>Here are the wheels used in North-America on the 80 non-q:
>Steel wheels:
>893 601 025H, 15x5.5, ET40
>431 601 025R, 14x5, ET45
>893 601 025A, 14x6, ET45
>893 601 025G, 15x6, ET42
>If you have ET35 wheels, on 4x108mm, it must aftermarket wheels

Yes, they are "Borbet" brand aftermarket alloy wheels. I just went to
look at them. They are 15x7, ET35.

>since the
>closest Audi OEM wheels are the Coupe Quattro 90-91 Speedline wheels, which
>895 601 025E, 15x7, ET37

So that's where my wheels should go, then :-)

I just got the crazy idea to look in the user manual. It actually does
specify wheel sizes. It states ET45 for all rims except the 7 inch,
which is specified at ET42 (not identical to the North American
recommendations, it seems) This means that my 7x15 rims should have an
offset of 42 mm, which means mine are 7 mm too wide on each side. Is
this enough to cause a noticeable handling problem?

The only tire size listed for 15 inch rims (either 6 or 7 inch width)
is 205 wide. My tires are 195 wide. Could this cause the problem?

What should I do to solve the problem?

In Norway, most roads have deep ruts. These are what cause the
problem: The car wants to pull out of the rut, so I have to hold
steering pressure to keep it into the rut. If the wheel goes over to
the other side of the rut, the car pulls the other way, which is the
same way I am holding steering pressure. The car suddenly moves in
that direction, and I have to sharply steer the other way to keep in

Helge Wunderlich

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