Center Carrier bearings and where did reverse go?

Shawn Manny shawn.manny at
Tue Aug 30 08:11:40 EDT 2005

Thanks everyone, I will keep ya posted after I work on 'er tomorrow. I 
checked everything visible from the engine bay and it was all solid and 
accounted for. I need to put it up to check more in depth.

 On 8/29/05, Tony Hoffman <tfh400036 at> wrote: 
> The CE's were only in '86. They had a red leather interior.
>  Anyhow, very common. Check the linkage where it goes into the trans. 
> There is a cast iron piece about 2" tall, with a ball type joint cast into 
> it. It quite often gets play in it. It is about $45 last time I checked. If 
> not, check it's mounting screw I believe 10mm. It's right in the side. I'd 
> probably go out there with some carb cleaner also, it's usually pretty 
> covered in grease. If that's not it, you may have to pull the linkage out of 
> the spline right above the center diff. when you slide it back in, realign 
> it and slide it back in. Trial and error will eventually get it.
>  Tony Hoffman
>  Screaming deal, BTW. Wish those were a little more common here in LAs 
> Vegas :)
> *Shawn Manny <shawn.manny at>* wrote:
> Just picked up an 87 4kq CS Commemorative edition (the all white ones
> with white wheels) for $100
> Got the car all finished up went to back out of my drive way and
> instead drove squarely into the fron of my race car...scratches
> reverse to be found. Is there a common linkeage that comes
> undone or how.what do I check. The bentley is no good here at all
> unless I want to disasemble the tranny...Im not going that far.
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