Type 85 Alignment - Caster Error Cause

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Sat Dec 3 21:41:51 EST 2005

Doug Johnson wrote:

>The caster on my '86 4000CS q can't be brought into spec on one side.  My
>only guess, regarding a cause, is that the sub-frame has been shifted.
>Sub-frame and a-arm bushings were replaced a couple of years ago, but this
>is the first time the caster has been reported as being out of spec.
- Caster is adjustable by rotating the subframe around fixed captive 
nut, which is left rear sub/bolt. Other captive nuts are free and the 
bolts can move 3 mm each side, which on the right wheel end becomes 12 - 
15 mm. Since the sub turns around left bolt, the right side should be 
adjusted to the left value, and not vice versa. Easiest done by wedging 
equal wooden blocks between the tyre thread and the body, with the bolts 
slightly undone. If equal value can't be achieved, the holes in the body 
can be enlarged, but this could be the case only with heavily crashed cars.

>Also, what would allow axial movement that I notice in my steering wheel?
>I'd guess it's about 1/4" of play.  I'm dumb(founded).
- For this, you should check - tighten all the bolts and nuts holding 
the steering mechanism together, and to the body, including the rubber 
bushings. HTH, good luck,


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