5kcstq antilock is antibehaving

c dyer cdyer_2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 8 13:27:01 EST 2005

After getting my free car wash (yes, I'm cheap...), my
'87 5kcstq's "anti-lock off" light flickered on. Hmm,
maybe the guy hit the button by accident. Pressed
button, light off briefly. Then after a bit came on
again. WTF? I played w/the antilock button and turned
the differential dial, no change. In a nutshell,
light's off briefly after pressing button, then after
an undetermined amount of time/actions, goes on.

What to check? Automated carwash related or
coincidence? 2 wks ago wrench installed new pads &
rotors (stock, from Blau), but symptoms only appeared
when picking up car from car wash yesterday.


Chris Dyer
(310) 442-2190 home
(310) 567-9863 cell
866 Westgate Ave. #8
Los Angeles, CA 90049

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