Audi Post-Mortems ( was Re: Oil Temps)

Alex Kowalski akowalsk at
Tue Feb 1 01:10:09 EST 2005

On my '87, what seemed to have pushed the owner into finally selling was depreciation combined with a series of gradually accruing little problems that he couldn't/wasn't willing to fix himself.  

An instrument cluster bulb or 2, a broken switch, a dimmed radio LCD panel, a headlight switch that occasionally didn't, a loose shift knob, a tiny crack in a turn signal lens, and parking brake cable issues.  All these things piled up.   Add to that the fact that another timing belt change is coming due (not from miles, just age!), sprinkle in a mechanically disinclined owner and presto! - the car hits the market.   

Everything taken together, including replacing things that don't really need it yet (hoses, alcantara trim, rear rotors and pads, etc.) is going to come to less than $1000 in parts but the owner, looking at another winter of possible trouble, just lost interest.  And I was very happy to take it!   ;)

One other thing -- it pays to keep your eyes peeled.  I found my car while I was riding on a BUS, coming back from the airport after a trip.  I had five seconds or so to decide "do I pull the cable to stop the bus and go look at that, or not?"  I was glad I did.

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ 

> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 19:16:52 -0500
> From: Kent McLean <kentmclean at>
> Subject: Re: Audi Post-Mortems  ( was Re: Oil Temps)
> To: Lyle Seaman <lws at>
> Cc: quattro at
> Message-ID: <41FECA74.4090800 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Lyle Seaman wrote:
> > So, when you've seen Audis (type 44 or later) finally go to scrap, what was
> > the final straw?
> I have some recent experience with this. :(
> My '89 200 TQ, under new ownership of the fiancee's son
> and running well (suspension bits, T-belt, et al replaced
> in last few years), *went up in smoke*. The fire seemed to
> have started under the plastic plenum under the hood, in
> front of the windshield.  Best guess is it was a) wiring
> and b) the heater blower motor.

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