Audi Brand in America WAS Is my '02 A4q....

Alex Kowalski akowalsk at
Tue Feb 1 20:17:40 EST 2005

I'm forwarding this email, which is a reply to an message I sent off-list to Jon Linkov, back to the list -- because I think it was an interesting discussion, or at least the beginning of one.  The minor edits I made to the original are indicated in [].  I don't think Jon would mind and I certainly don't.

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ

----------------------  Forwarded Message:  ---------------------
From:    akowalsk at (Alex Kowalski)
To:      Jon Linkov <jon at>
Subject: Re: Is my '02 A4q an unusual piece of junk, or just a piece
Date:    Wed, 02 Feb 2005 01:03:30 +0000

That's sad to hear, because Audi could bring some wonderful cars to the US.  I 
still believe my 5KCSTQ was 20 years ahead of its time, and it has soldiered 
through those 20 years in remarkably good shape.  I remember reading  that when 
Mees was fired from AoA for criticising Piech [sp], one Audi insider commented that 
the dealers here felt they were in an adversarial relationship with corporate in 
Germany.  Of course the exchange rate situation doesn't help anything, either.  
But I agree with him -- the Phaeton was a mistake.  It completely contradicts 
everything VW is supposed to stand for as a brand, and I think Piech [sp] 
overestimated the elasticity of people's sentiments [about Volkswagens in America.]

Sounds like it's time for a shake-up.  In the meantime, the List keeps going 
strong, which is important to me.  Keep the nameplate out there, this time with 
increasingly older cars.  

Sheesh, how many times will the enthusiasts have to keep bailing these guys out?  
The first time it was 60 Minutes, but this time?  


> Alex -
> I don't really know the big problem with these dealers. BUT, if dealer
> attitude is a key indicator, then Audi is pretty bad.
> I'm looking at a 12/21/04 article in Automotive News that has the "2004
> Survey of dealers' attitudes towards their manufacturers or divisions". Out
> of 35 brands, Audi was ranked 32. Below them was VW, Isuzu and
> Oldsmobile(!).
> So, the dealers themselves don't have a good attitude about the brand.
> Jon

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