no spark! 87 4kq

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Fri Feb 4 12:12:34 EST 2005

Shawn Manny wrote:
> YEAH it WAS the original coil, can I bypass the ign. switch with a
> starter button? Or how does one go about replacing the ignition
> switch...Im sure its in the Bentley, but Im at work...Thanks gang, I
> will try Tony's idea tomorrow.

*If* the wire from the battery to the coil works, you could
just add an on/off switch inside the car.  I'd consider that
a temporary measure.

If the 5K switch is like the switch on the 200, it comes
in two parts.  One is where the key goes. The other is the
actual electrical part of the switch.  In a nutshell, you
pull the instrument cluster, undo 2 painted set screws
holding the electrical part to the keyed part, pull out
the old part, insert the new part, and put it all back
together.  In all, it's probably not much more work than
trying to add the temporary switch described above.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" is no more

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