how do you test for spark?

cody at cody at
Fri Feb 4 15:20:39 EST 2005

Quoting Kent McLean <kentmclean at>:

> What's the best way to test for a spark at the spark plugs?
> a) I have one of those little spark testers that let you
>     turn a bolt to adjust the gap.  How big a gap?
> b) Failing that (if I can't find the little tool), I'm going
>     to pull a wire at the plug, insert a spare plug into the
>     wire terminal, ground the plug, and then crank it.
> Is there another, better way? Patient is my '94 100 V6.

Well I know you said "at the plug" but maybe this will help anyway. Matco sells
a neat little pen sized gizmo. It's an inductive probe with an LED, hold it up
to a plug wire and it flashes red. Even has sensitivity adjustment. IIRC it was
near ~$30. Snap-On has a simmilar one, but DO NOT BUY THE SNAP-ON ONE, its not
*nearly* as good.

Beyond that I just use a spare plug grounded.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'87 5ktq - Fast.
'86 Merkur XR4ti

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