battery charging and death

Mike LaRosa mrmotoguzzi00 at
Wed Feb 9 12:04:42 EST 2005

Ed is it dropping to 12.3 still attched to the car ?
or is it doing that with no connections to the car ?


--- Ed Kellock <ekellock at> wrote:

> My Coupe GT had a new battery last July.  Over the
> last couple months the car has sat unused for longer
> periods of time.  It required a jump and then would
> be okay until it sat again for several days.  This
> is generally not a common problem for the car.
> According to Mike LaRosa and "Tony & Lillie", 12.8
> is the baseline heathly battery charge.  After
> charging mine to about 13.03 on a 2-amp charge, it
> settles to about 12.3 when the charge is removed and
> then slowly starts to trickle down, the last reading
> was 11.85.  So I'm think it's dead, Jim.
> So did I kill it?  I was going to use the
> KnowledgeBase item to check for a drain on it, but I
> figure that's moot until I get a battery that will
> hold a charge first.  
> Do peiods of inactivity kill a battery?  Or just an
> already compromised battery?  Would a constant slow
> drain kill it?  Did I just get a bad battery from
> the get-go?
> I've removed it and will be heading out to exchange
> it later today.
> Thanks,
> Ed
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