Quattro I delivers!

ian at harlequin.hplx.net ian at harlequin.hplx.net
Tue Feb 15 13:01:00 EST 2005

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Alan Pritchard wrote:

> More to the point, you like ice at highway speed?

You have to understand just how stupidly fearless Michigan drivers are. 
They'll do 85 into whiteouts or dense fog, 70 on ice or snowpack, and just 
assume everything will be okay (while often continuing to tailgate, yap on 
cell phones, whatever.)  Just a couple months ago here we had an 
over-hundred car pileup around Lansing because of fog.

Sometimes, if you have to be on the road, you also have to do as the 
stupids do, and just hope for the best.  Happened to me the first time I 
ever drove in Michigan, which was directly into a gigantic blizzard.

Detroit doesn't seem quite as bad in that regard, but it may also just be 
that we don't get the weather extremes that much of the rest of the state 

ian Butler / ian at harlequin.hplx.net
'88 Audi 5000S quattro

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