cop stories

Lee Levitt lee at
Tue Feb 15 16:03:23 EST 2005

Brett writes:

> You know the jokes about cops and donuts?
> Coming back from the annual club region meeting on the Mass Turnpike, I
> was about to pull into the fast lane to pass someone I was slowly
> approaching, and it's a damn good thing I checked my mirror twice,
> because if I had pulled out I would have been rear-ended by a
> Massachusetts state police cruiser that blew past me like I was standing
> still.  He then proceeded to tailgate everyone in the fast lane, turning
> on the floodlights in his lightbar (the BlindEm Felony Stop Specials)
> when people wouldn't pull over fast enough.

I once saw a Mass statie do something similar on Route 128 (95 to you
furrigners), and I called it in.


I'd like to report a motorist driving erratically

[details snipped]

Yep, I got his plate. State plate #281.

Don't know what they did, if anything, but I got a chuckle out of reporting


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