cop stories

Dan Cordon cord4530 at
Wed Feb 16 03:08:20 EST 2005

> I take my eyes off the road and mirrors for about 2 seconds to mess with the stereo.  Next thing I know the interior of the car is ILLUMINATED "BLINK" with a very bright, almost blinding, very brief pulse of searchlight.
> I glance to the road, then extraordinarily reluctantly turn slowly toward the window, already backing off the throttle.  Mr. State Trooper is right alongside us at 120MPH.  No lights, no warning, no nothing.  Just POW!  About 2 seconds of searchlight.  Just to get my attention.  It sure did.  Wave!  Wave!
> You can guess the rest.  Very un-fun.  Lots of money.  Major points.  No argument, guilty as sin.
> Cheers,
> Alex 

Wow! That's a first. I don't think I've ever read a 'pulled over' story 
where the story teller was actually 'guilty' of anything. :o)  On other 
lists it's usually something like "I was pulled over for doing 150 mph 
in a school do I get out of this ticket?"

Kudo's to you for taking responsibility.....even when the consequences 
weren't pleasant.

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
University of Idaho

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