Motodyne and Mr. Robert Hack

Wed Feb 16 12:52:38 EST 2005

>anyone with a digital camera want to check out this location?
>Does it even exist?
>1010 Red Oak Drive
>Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
>How about this one?
>   Robert Hack  Motodyne
>  110 Haddon ave
>   Haddonfield, NJ 08033

Please begin humming the theme song to Mission Impossible.

I have asked my wife to assist me in a reconnaissance mission. If she chooses 
to accept this mission, we will "drive by" the address and I will take a few 
digital pictures of the residences. Maybe more if there are Audi's present.

This E-mail will self destruct in 10 seconds.

Wish me luck,

Secrete Agent AUDIJIM

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