Shots at Brett's handling of the list

I.S. Gall isgall at
Thu Feb 17 11:08:05 EST 2005

Unka et al;

What you stated is a good point, and I've not forgotten that this list
is a free resource for us Audifans. I've been on this list since ~98
or so, not the longest length of time, but not a new sub.

Brett has done a decent job of moderating, so you may be right, we
should give him a bit of slack. I just want to make it known that no
disrespect was meant, I just wanted to air how I've felt for a while.

91 200q20v

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 08:38:18 -0600, Unka Bart <gatorojo at> wrote:
> Amigos, this isn't a shot at anyone, so if it hits close to home, don't
> getcher knickers in a knot.
> This list is provided as a FREE service to all of us Qheads, and the
> only cost is the occasional request to change the subject.  Not too
> unreasonable in my view.
> "Moderating" a list like this is analogous to cooking for trailhands on
> roundup.  The job needed doing, no one wanted the job because it didn't
> come with any extra pay, and doing it brought constant grief from the
> others, griping about the lousy cooking.
> So it became the custom that whoever was chosen to cook at the start of
> the roundup only had to do the job until someone complained, at which
> time the complainer got the job.
> So one time, this ol' cowboy takes a bite of his stew and starts to
> complain, "DAMN, this stew tastes like shi... (he remembers and quickly
> adds) JUST the way I like it!
> I think (unsupported assertion) that Brett's doing a pretty good job
> and deserves a lot of slack.  It wouldn't hurt to cut him a little.
> By the way, on the "Secret Agent Man" revealing one's age, I remember
> sitting in class at Col. Thayer's School for Wayward Youth and listing
> to the live broadcast of the "beep...beep...beep..." of Sputnik.  I'm
> old enough to disremember whether it was in '57 or '58...
> yer kindly ol' Unka Bart
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